Friday, April 2, 2010

Connection Across Time

Racism is a big issue that has been going on forever. No matter where you are or what you are doing there is a chance of something involving a persons race coming up. Racism has many forms, whether because of color, religion, or even gender. There is racism because of color and religion all over the world. There is also a lot of Gender discrimination in places such as jobs today, where men and women do not get the same amount of pay, or hours as each other even though they have the same qualifications. Racism is not right, and that is what the protesters of this silent march were trying to get across. It has to be stopped, and I believe that this silent March helped. Any little gesture towards stopping it will help. Racism has come a long way today from where it used to be. There would be a lot more racism today like there was back then if it weren't for people taking small steps to stopping it.

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